Shoulder Bioplasty
Shoulder Bioplasty
Bioplasty of the Deltoids
Bioplasty for deltoid augmentation is performed to reestablish corporal harmony in patients with muscular asymmetry or hypotrophy, as means of correcting scars or depressions caused by the loss of adipose tissues, amongst other conditions. Deltoid augmentation in males and females is a simple and quick procedure, virtually pain-free and with no post-op.
Before starting the procedure, the shoulder is cleansed and the area in which the liquid implant will be infiltrated is marked. Antisepsis of the area is performed and sterile fields are put in place, as well as an anesthetic button that will enable the infiltration of the liquid implant through a miniscule hole made with a needle on the area. Deep plane analgesia is done using Klein solution, with the aid of a microcannula. This microcannula is blunt-tipped, thus avoiding any damage to nerves or blood vessels. After local analgesia, the filler is applied to the area. The liquid implant of our choice is polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), for it does not migrate within the body, staying at the area in which it was placed. PMMA is biocompatible, its effects are permanent and costs are relatively low.
The procedure is done with local anesthetics and it usually takes approximately 40 minutes. Before the procedure, patient must have a consultation and sign an informed consent. Photographs are taken before and after the procedure. Patients are required to have a follow-up consultation 7 days after the bioplasty.
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