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Breast lift Mastopexy


Breast lift Mastopexy

This surgery aims to obtain the correction of mammary flaccidity, through the removal of flaccid and excess skin, the placement of silicone prosthetics, or the combination of both.

There are many techniques that may be used on the correction of mammary flaccidity and elevation of the breasts, and the most commonly used procedures as far as incisions are racket shaped, vertical and inverted “T” or anchor.

The duration of the surgery is that of approximately 2 to 3 hours, being performed as an ambulatory procedure in the majority of times. In some cases, due to the extent of the surgery, it is performed at a hospital and the patient may need to be admitted for a short stay. Epidural or general anesthesia may be used.

The patient must wear a bandage for 3 days post-op, and then wear an appropriate brassiere. Postoperative pain is well tolerated with the use of common painkillers. Some edema may occur on the breasts for 2 or 3 weeks, and the final result may take up to several months after the surgery to be seen.

Most patients return to their normal activities after 1 to 3 weeks, though the patient should abstain from more rigorous activities for a longer period. mMammogram and/or Breast MRI are requested pre-op. This surgery does not impair patients of retaking these exams in later time.

Scarring is usually minimal and of great visual aspect, though depending on the patient’s healing patterns, unfavorable scarring may occur. In such cases, it may take up to several months for the scarring to become acceptable and less noticeable.

Obrigado por visitar nosso portal. Para mais informações sobre tratamentos e clínicas disponíveis, entre em contato com nossa equipe de redatores, que teremos o maior prazer em responder.

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