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Facial Plastic Surgery | Facelift


Facial Plastic Surgery


A Facelift is a surgical procedure intended to improve the overall appearance of the face and to eliminate signs of aging on the face and neck. This is achieved by the correction of skin flaccidity and facial muscle tone, with the removal of excess fat, thus generating a volumetric redistribution of the face. This procedure is frequently combined with Blepharoplasty.

You must always keep in mind thatthe desired result is to improve your appearance and your self-esteem, not to achieve perfection. A “new face” is not a guarantee of a new life or the elimination of one’s personal problems. The surgical technique consists of making an incision at the temporal bone line, extending down to the ear, following its curvature around the bottom of the ear and then behind it, ending on the lower hairline.

The skin and muscles undergo upward and outward traction, correcting skin flaccidity and resection of excess skin. In some cases, excess fat under the chin is removed and the flaccidity of subjacent muscles is also addressed. The surgery is performed at a hospital, with the use of local or general anesthesia. It is usually necessary for the patient to stay overnight under hospital admittance. The duration of the surgery is that of approximately 2 to 4 hours. Postoperative pain is well tolerated with the use of common painkillers. Scars are placed on natural lines and creases, fading with time and becoming barely visible.

Some ecchymosis or edema may occur on the first 2 to 3 weeks after the surgery. Recommended post-op physical therapy sessions shorten the time period needed to obtain final results, which are achieved in a few months, lasting for many years. Most patients return to their normal activities after 2 to 3 weeks, and may need to wear sunglasses and apply facial creams during this period.

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