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Blepharoplasty | Estéticas


Plastic Surgery Performed on Eyelids


Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on upper and/or lower eyelids to remove folds and excess skin, as well as fat deposits, resulting on a diminishment of wrinkles around the eyes. The scars are placed on natural lines and creases, fading with time and becoming barely visible. You must keep in mind that the desired result is to improve your appearance and your self-esteem, not to achieve perfection.

Blepharoplasty may be executed as an ambulatory procedure, without hospital admittance, under local anesthetics, with or without sedation, or under general anesthesia. The duration of the surgery is that of 1 to 3 hours for both eyelids, and stitches are removed between 5 to 8 days after the surgery.

Postoperative pain is well tolerated with the use of common painkillers. Some swelling around the eyes may occur after the surgery, usually lasting for about a week, and at times up to several weeks.

Most patients return to their normal activities after 1 to 3 weeks, and may need to wear sunglasses. Creams may be applied to the eyelids on this period. First results may be seen after the first week, and final results are achieved in several months, lasting for many years.

Surgeries Performed:

 Plastic Surgery performed on eyelids Blepharoplasty
 Plastic Surgery performed on the nose (nose job) Rhinoplasty
 Facial Plastic Surgery Facelift
 Plastic Surgery performed on the ears Otoplasty
 Mini Facelift
 Chin Augmentation – Mentoplasty

 Breast Augmentation - Silicone gel prosthetics
 Breast Reconstruction and Breast Cancer
 Breast Reduction
 Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck
 Mastopexy or breast lift
 Mammary asymmetry
 Post Morbid Obesity: correction of body contours
 Liposuction - liposculpture

 Scar Tissue
 Skin Cancer

1. Lab exams:
2. Complete blood count (CBC - Hemogram), urea, blood platelet count, blood platelet, PT (Prothrombin time).
3. Cardiac Exams:
4. Pre-op cardiac evaluation.

Obrigado por visitar nosso portal. Para mais informações sobre tratamentos e clínicas disponíveis, entre em contato com nossa equipe de redatores, que teremos o maior prazer em responder.

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