Scar Tissue
Scar Tissue
Scarring occurs as a result of the natural healing process of the body after skin damage, caused by a wound, accident, illness or surgery, and it may be treated with the use of ointments, massages, pressure garments or even surgically, via z-plasty, skin grafting, laser and dermabrasion.
When treating the scar by surgical means, sutures are usually removed within a few days after the surgery.
Final results can only be seen after a year. All scars are permanent, though there are many efficient methods that aid in hiding, diminishing and camouflaging the scar.
Scar tissue can be excised and replaced with grafted skin, and skin flaps can be used to reposition the scar. To improve the overall visual aspect of scars, special care is needed, and the patient must make use of creams and compression garments. Photoprotectors must be applied whenever needed.
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